Before reaching out

Before contacting the Cyber Information and Security Division (CISD), you should:

  • review Secure by Design guidance for activities provided by the Government Digital Service (GDS)
  • join a scheduled Secure by Design briefing or focus session
  • reach out to your Secure be Design champion

Within DfE we have an SbD Slack channel available to help collectively tackle any questions or challenges you have regarding Secure by Design.

Join Secure by Design sessions

Learn what other teams are doing, get an insight into a particular aspect of Secure by Design and ask your questions.

We are engaging with portfolios directly to setup these sessions, who will then notify you once scheduled.

Ask for CISD support

To reach out to CISD for support in implementing Secure by Design principles, complete this contact form.

Projects or services that are currently within scope for Secure by Design will be prioritised for support.